COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources for Art Therapists and Community

Over the past weeks we have witnessed rapid changes and disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As we practice social distancing to protect one another, we know that art therapists and students in healthcare settings, community-based services and private practice are doing all they can to support the clients and communities they work with. Training institutions are working tirelessly to ensure that students are receiving the same quality education as they would in class. We’d like to let the art therapy community know that you are not alone in your work. We have gathered some resources and information for art therapists and students practicing in Canada, as well as the general public. This list will be updated when new information becomes available.  

Please feel free to connect with us and our online community through our social media channels, on which we will be posting regularly and continue sharing the work we love. If you have any questions or concerns, especially regarding ethical issues in your practice in light of the situation surrounding COVID-19, please feel free to email us and we will be happy to support you. Our contact information and social media links can be found below.

General mental health and crisis support

Crisis Services Canada
Nation-wide 24/7 support via phone and text
Searchable list for provincial and regional help lines

Kids Help Phone
Nation-wide 24/7 support via phone, text and live chat

24/7 support by phone and text for post-secondary students in Ontario and Nova Scotia

CAMH mental health resources
Includes resources for coping with stress and anxiety, strategies for self-care and dealing with isolation, and discussion about stigma and discrimination.

Resources for children and youth

We’re here for you during COVID-19
Kids Help Phone offers a collection of links to information, resources, and activities for managing anxiety and media exposure.

Free printable comic for kids
Montreal-based illustrator Elise Gravel created a simple, informative comic to teach children about social distancing, protecting themselves and caring for each other. Available in English and French.

Resources for those who care for children and youth

A subscription-based educational streaming platform from CBC and Radio Canada, with programs, documentaries, audio content, worksheets, and teachers’ guide that support curriculum from primary to post-secondary levels across Canada, now free for all Canadians. Available in English and French.

Resources for Caring Adults
Kids Help Phone collection of resources for adults who care for young people, including an article on COVID-19 as well as other topics related to mental health.

Resources for art therapists and mental health practitioners

CRPO Professional Practice Standards and Guidelines for Electronic PracticeThe College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario consolidates professional practice standards, guidelines and key issues regarding electronic practice (online, email, phone) in adherence to the Personal Health Information Protection Act. Includes link to a resource with a list of PHIPA-compliant electronic tools developed by the Ontario Medical Association and OntarioMD.

CCPA-ACCP Recommendations for Practice
The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association recommendations include health/safety measures and guidelines on electronic practice.

Ordre des psychologues du Québec: conseils psychologiques et informations au grand public
L’information de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec comprend des recommandations et des considérations de sécurité pour accéder et offrir des services psychologiques en ligne ou par téléphone.

Using Art Supplies Hygienically
For practitioners who may still be offering art therapy in person (for example, those who work in emergency/family shelters, healthcare settings, etc.), this blog post from the American Art Therapy Association offers information and practical measures in preventing the transmission of virus.

Choosing a Digital Telehealth Platform

In Canada, the electronic platforms used to provide therapy must be compliant with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and provincial privacy regulations, if applicable (please see this list for provincial privacy laws). CATA-ACAT is not able to recommend electronic platforms, or attest to particular platforms’ compliance to privacy regulations or effectiveness, because technology is constantly changing and there are many options available.

However, we understand that many art therapists are now implementing electronic practices and may be in need of resources and support. We have therefore compiled the resources above for your consideration. Importantly, we urge members to carefully review your professional liability insurance coverage, and adhere to the privacy requirements of the provincial regulatory bodies that you belong to, particularly regarding informed consent and discussing with clients the risks and security of the platform with which you choose to provide therapy.   

CATA-ACAT members enrolled in the group insurance plan through The Mitchell & Abbott Group are covered to provide e-counselling as long as they adhere to the acceptable remote counselling methods compliant with PIPEDA and provincial privacy regulations (if applicable).

Creative self-care for therapists

Coping cards by Petrea Hansen-Adamidis, BA, DTATI, RCAT, RP

Self-portrait drawn with eyes closed by Zoë Eyford, MA Art Therapy, RP (Qualifying)

Community mutual aid

Vancouver Support Network
Hamilton Community Response
Barrie Mutual Aid
Toronto Community Response
Friendly Neighbour Hotline at the University Health Network in Toronto
Mutual Aid Society Winnipeg
Montreal Mutual Aid
Halifax Community Care