SOP Working Group
Collaborative Standards of Practice (SOP) Working Group
In June 2020, CATA-ACAT shared a statement with a commitment to anti-oppressive and anti-racist practices in relation to organizational / structural change.
In February to May 2021, CATA-ACAT hosted a series of Workshop on Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppressive Practices in Creative Therapies for its membership.
In November 2021, motions initiated by a group of Indigenous art therapists passed at the annual general meeting with an agreement from the association to review and update the Standards of Practice and Education in alignment with the TRC Call to Action and efforts in Indigenizing art therapy.
In 2022, CATA-ACAT members collaborated on a number of gatherings of the Indigenous Circle and Ally Circle, which explored ways to connect and work with each other towards efforts of decolonization.
The Collaborative SOP Working Group formed in October 2023 and seeks to engage with membership to review and revise the Standards of Practice in ways that reflect the aspiration, commitment and efforts toward anti-oppressive, anti-colonial, and anti-racist art therapy practices, training and research.
CATA-ACAT is dedicated to continually cultivating supportive working relationships between the association and its membership. One action in this regard is inviting membership participation and input in the review and update of the association’s professional practice standards, in particular the Standards of Practice, which all members are expected to align with. Engaging in ongoing review and update of the Standards of Practice (SOP) supports CATA-ACAT members to practice art therapy as informed, responsible, and ethical service providers.
Plan of Action
The Collaborative SOP working group has begun monthly meetings to determine the scope and actionable steps for a relational inquiry of the current Standards of Practice, in an effort to centre voices and perspectives that have been historically and ongoingly marginalized from membership. The updating of the SOP will be completed in stages, and will include consultation with membership, stakeholders and the CATA-ACAT board of directors.
The Collaborative SOP Working Group has secured financial commitment from CATA-ACAT for the work of SOP review and update.
The first step is to consult with CATA-ACAT members in focus groups regarding their perspectives, understanding, and uses of the SOP. The Working Group would like to invite the participation of practicing CATA-ACAT members in arts-based focus groups, who identify as coming from communities who have experienced marginalization in the fields of art therapy, psychotherapy, care work, and the broader Western society, including Indigenous, Black, racialized, disabled, deaf, mad, queer, Two Spirit, trans, non-binary, and neurodivergent practitioners and students in art therapy.
The arts-based focus groups will be facilitated by Patricia Ki and Mo Thunder in May 2024. If interested in participating, please see further details in the form linked below.