Mandalas 4 NS


By Katie Hanczaryk, MA, RCAT, RCT
Halifax, NS

Canada has had the worst shooting in history recently in our small province of Nova Scotia. Already feeling vulnerable, alone and afraid, we were unable to mourn together publicly because of COVID. Yesterday (April 30), there was a plane crash and we lost some more bright youth of our military. This is in addition to the COVID deaths. Nova Scotia is in mourning. 

Personally, I lost my art therapist teacher and mentor Sue Wallingford, who taught at Naropa University where I studied for many years. I was unable to go to the funeral to mourn her loss with my colleagues in Boulder, Colorado. Then COVID hit, then the shooting... It dawned on me that I MUST do something with the energy that swirls in and around my body. I MUST honor Sue, and those lost in the tragedy that our small province faces. Mandalas are a source of healing, both in the creation and the viewing. It seemed like an easy way to visually display unity and togetherness while we are apart. 

With the help of Gabriella Rizkallah, Nova Scotia Art Therapy, and collaboration with the Avalon Sexual Assault Centre, Mandalas4NS began. With the intention to create a response to this loss, we're inviting everyone to create a mandala at home. We are displaying them on the Instagram account @mandalas4ns. Already we've had many beautiful mandalas on virtual display. I am looking into other ways of displaying images in the future, possibly in a gallery setting in commemoration and as a creative memorial. 


For more details about how to participate please see poster below. Click on the images to view full size and the artist’s statements.


Healing Through the Creative Process: Artwork in a Time of COVID-19


Finding Community and Connecting through the Arts Online