Editor's Note

Sarah Gysin, MA, RP
Ottawa, ON

Many greetings from my side of the world to yours, as I excitedly put together our second issue of the year (and feeling a little shocked that it is already summer by the time I am writing this).

While working on this issue, I was struck by how many of our contributors shared stories of the dismantling and transformation of beliefs, whether ones ingrained in our field of art therapy and mental health for better or worse, or those of our own—beliefs and understandings we have picked up and developed over years and years of growing and working. As art therapists, we often find ourselves supporting marginalised individuals impacted by illness, abuse, racial and cultural discrimination and violence, systemic oppression and cultural genocide. It is as important now as it ever was to incorporate active moments of pause in our practice. Moments where we are intentionally questioning, reflecting, wondering: why do we do what we do? Who are we impacting in our practices? How do we ensure that we continue to operate from a place of support over perpetuation of harm? 

Communities and spaces such as this one are often a good place to start. I am in awe of our contributors, who demonstrate their bravery and vulnerability by sharing their stories, offering their own experiences and insights, and inviting their fellow art therapists to witness alternative understandings that help us to enrich our practices. I am so grateful for this space, for our contributors, our reviewers, and our readers. You are what makes this magazine continue to thrive and grow, and your stories provide hope for the necessary growth and change that our community needs.

Sending a warm and heartfelt thank-you to all of our contributors this issue. It has been a delight to read your submissions and work with you, and I am looking forward to sharing this Spring issue with our readers!


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