Membership Levels
Associate Membership
For professionals in fields other than art therapy who are interested in and supportive of art therapy as a profession. They wish to contribute to the art therapy community and practice. This category includes creative arts therapists (drama, music, dance), expressive arts therapists, psychologists, mental health practitioners, civil servants, medical practitioners, agencies and institutions, and people of other related professions.
Electronic membership card, volunteer on the Board of Directors, bi-annual CATA-ACAT Academic Journal, reduced fees to annual CATA-ACAT conference and workshops.
Annual Fee - $75
Student Membership
For students enrolled in a graduate art therapy program and other students who are interested in art therapy. Please include the institution in which you are enrolled, the expected year of graduation, and email a copy of your student card to complete your application.
Electronic membership card, volunteer on committees and annual conference, bi-annual CATA-ACAT Academic Journal, reduced fees to annual CATA-ACAT conference and workshops.
Annual Fee - $45
Professional Membership
For professional art therapists who have completed an art therapy postgraduate training that meets the education standards of CATA-ACAT. They abide by the CATA-ACAT Standards of Practice. These members are usually receiving supervision from a RCAT Member for their professional development, growth and eventual registration. If applying for the first time, please email documentation of graduation from an art therapy training program that is in compliance with CATA-ACAT education standards to complete your application. Please email documentation to the administrator at admin@canadianarttherapy.org.
If you have graduated from a program that is not recognized as meeting CATA Education standards, you may request a review of your training to determine if it meets these standards. To request a review, please complete the Education Standards matrix and send it to the CATA Education chair at education@canadianarttherapy.org. Please translate course titles into English, as applicable.
If your training meets standards, then you are welcome to apply for Professional membership.
Otherwise, please consider applying for an Associate membership.
Voting member, volunteer on the Board of Directors, liability insurance at a reduced group rate, listed on CATA-ACAT online art therapist directory, electronic membership card, bi-annual CATA-ACAT Academic Journal, reduced fees to annual CATA-ACAT conference and workshops.
Annual Fee - $145
Registered Membership
Registered Canadian Art Therapist (RCAT)
A Registered Canadian Art Therapist can use RCAT as a post nominal designation. They have a designated registration number and abide by the CATA-ACAT Standards of Practice. Registration with a professional association is increasingly being requested for employment in health practice. Registration indicates you are a Professional Member in good standing, have received additional training in your profession, received clinical supervision (50 hours for 1000 client contact hours) beyond graduation, display involvement in the art therapy community and are committed to ongoing professional development. Please see Becoming Registered section below for application details.
Registered Art Therapist (RCAT) designation, supervises professional and student art therapists in schools in compliance with CATA-ACAT education standards, provide art therapy consultation, voting member of CATA, can volunteer on the Board of Directors, access liability insurance at a reduced group rate, listed on CATA-ACAT online art therapist directory and art therapy supervisor directory, electronic registration membership card, bi-annual CATA-ACAT Academic Journal, reduced fees to annual CATA-ACAT conference and workshops.
RCATs can supervise art therapy students and professionals.
Annual Fee - $145
Becoming Registered
Applications are reviewed three times a year: September 30, January 30 and April 30.
Please read through the application requirements and frequently asked questions before beginning the application process.
NOTE: If you are facing barriers to acquiring your RCAT status, please reach out to us and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Inactive Membership
Inactive members are Professional and Registered members who are no longer practicing art therapy or supervising art therapy in any way, or who are taking a break from practicing for a minimum of a year, but still want to be involved in the community, keep up to date through the journal and conferences, and maintain their liability insurance. Inactive members continue to abide by CATA-ACAT Standards of Practice.
Benefits of Inactive Membership
Voting member, volunteer on the Board of Directors, Liability insurance at a reduced group rate (indicate retired), Electronic membership card, bi-annual CATA-ACAT Academic Journal, reduced fees to annual CATA-ACAT conference and workshops.