Envisage - CATA/ACAT Online Magazine

nature's way, 2024 Sarah Gysin nature's way, 2024 Sarah Gysin

Honouring Sentimentality Through Floral Arranging: Listening to nature’s call for letting go and holding on

Nature’s Way
Taylor Bourassa-Wilson (Ottawa, ON)

The beauty about preservation is that specific dichotomy between holding on and letting go: the flowers retain some of their vitality, all their memories, and change from what they once were. This change is what begs me to settle and become comfortable with the idea of letting go.

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nature's way NoJoke Agency nature's way NoJoke Agency


Nature’s Way
Taylor Bourassa (Ottawa, ON)

Trees have always held a special place in my heart: they’ve been home base since I was a child. If I was ever lost, sad, lonely, or scared, I could find refuge in, by, or under a tree. I knew that these strong souls would always have my back, and could support me through almost anything.

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